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So far admin has created 103 blog entries.

A house fit for the elderly

Lifestyle has undergone a significant change in India. The nuclear family system has increased the number of elderly couples staying on their own, with little assistance from their children in their day-to-day chores and house-related work. This new set-up, thus, demands planning your house in a manner that ensures maximum convenience in old age. Here are some features apart from having wheel-chair friendly entrances and provision for lifts etc, that can make living convenient for the elderly.


Do you really need a basement ?

One query that often lands in our inbox is whether one should build a basement for his house or not. Such a query whenever asked is coupled with a request for an urgent reply as the Architect is to be told by the house owner accordingly and further planning and design can be taken up thereafter only. So let’s have a look at various aspects related to basements: Reasons behind hesitation: The question whether to go for a basement or not, itself holds one’s desire to have a basement yet some unknown fears holding him from saying yes to the [...]


Keeping house in your absence

Situations arrive in life when the house so fondly built by you for self-living has to be kept locked by you for a long period. It happens when you are moving abroad for many months to be with your son or daughter living there. Otherwise you may be posted outside and it becomes difficult to visit your house at regular intervals. During such times, it becomes important to take care of your house and to keep it safe from any damage of any sort. Let’s therefore enlist such steps that must be taken to keep your house safe and workable: [...]
